Wednesday, December 19, 2007
19 graduates!
This picture with the other ladies are the staff that I work with every week at Amangwe.
I will have a break, and it doesn't start back up until January 16th, and that is when I will start going every Friday again.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
We went on a five day holiday this past week. Here we are on our first day, it was raining, but
we decided that we would still have fun. We went to stay in a cabin in Cape Vidal, right next to the beach.

We spent every day at the beach except for the first day because it was raining.

I was having fun spinning the girls around
I even ate some things that I have never ate before. Prawns, they were good, I was a little freaked out by the body's and legs that were still attached.
We had a very nice time of relaxation and rejuvenation.
We spent every day at the beach except for the first day because it was raining.
I was having fun spinning the girls around
I even ate some things that I have never ate before. Prawns, they were good, I was a little freaked out by the body's and legs that were still attached.
We had a very nice time of relaxation and rejuvenation.
Monday, December 3, 2007
Language Learning
Christmas will be different

This Christmas is going to be a little different but I am excited to see how another family does things. I am sad that this year I will not be with my family, but these people are my family right now, and they are definitely my family in Christ, so it is a blessing to live here, and I am so glad that the Farrans have welcomed me into their home, and let me be a part of their family.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
I am Thankful for Jesus Christ, and the place He has taken in my life, I am thankful for the Opportunity to be here and serve the Lord. I am thankful for a wonderful family, wonderful friends, and I am thankful for my TJ Shropshire, he is a wonderful blessing to my life.
On Thursday it was Thanksgiving, well... not for South Africa, but we celebrated anyway. We went to Durban and spent it with another
missionary family, and then stayed the night there, it was very relaxing. We went Christmas Shopping in Gateway mall, the biggest mall in the Southern. I was able to get pretty much all my Christmas gifts. This is an interesting time because this is the first Christmas that I will spend away from home, and I am kind of sad about that, but also excited to see how another family does it, there are good opportunities that come with these experiences so I look at it as an adventure from the Lord, even in the midst of missing home. (If you can see me I am sitting on the bench with the girls in Gateway Mall)

Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Potato Stamps
Sunday, November 18, 2007


This is also where I spend my time blogging, keeping people in touch, and informed. I am appreciating this technology very much.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
A little bit of home
Friday, November 9, 2007
Amangwe Village
Lunch Time!
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Calvary Baptist
Pretty soon the holidays will begin and there will not be many kids for Sunday school, so then we
will start back up in the New Year. When we start off the new year I am going to be teaching one of the Sunday school classes to give the teachers a break. Right now I am just helping in Sunday school with what they need.
This is Rosemary, she comes to our house on Thursdays to clean. We like her quite a bit, as well as the girls, they like to help clean as much as Rosemary will let them. She teaches me a little bit of Zulu every time she comes, we enjoy talking with each other.
I am praying that she sees God's love through this family every time she comes.
1st grade here we come!
Kindergarten is over and were on to first grade. Last week was Abby's first week of first grade. We had a little ceremony for her to congradulate her. The first picture if of her last day of Kindergarten, and the second one is of her ceremony. Now that she has started grade 1 we have started a new subject, English, so we are going to be learning grammer and how so write sentences and such, so we are excited about that.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Team Meetings
Last week I went to my first team meeting. There is a meeting once a month, for the ABWE Durban team. We fall into that category even though we live 2 hours away in Richard's Bay. The different committees bring up different things and everyone discusses these issues. I just observed, but I found it very interesting to see how a team works. Everyone brings something to add to the lunch, this days theme was baked potatoes, so we had a feast. It was definitely a good time to see how these things work!
Friday, October 19, 2007
What did you say?... Don't touch the bugs?
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
~one of my perks~
I have been living here for almost a month, and one of my favorite parts of being here so far is the time that I get to spend with Heather, we get to talk every day about life, and random things. I see it as a privilege to be able to watch her live her life, I feel blessed to live here in Kyle and Heather's home, to watch their relationship with each other, with their children, and the effort they put into their ministry (and what that consists of) they are phenomenal examples to me. I feel as though I still have a lot to learn from Kyle and Heather and I look forward to getting to know them even better.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Life with Emily and Abby
Last week it rained for almost a whole week. You can imagine what it's like when you have 2 children that havn't been outside for a few days. So the girls and I took a trip to Mcdonalds for the afternoon. So instead of bouncing off the walls at home they got to bounce all over the play room. We ate our chicken nuggets, we made about 5 trips to the bathroom, and before we left we ordered cones, with flakes which is this chocalte flaky stick that you dip into your ice cream. It was a fun, eventful day.
Friday, October 12, 2007
South Africa doesn't carry chocolate chips, and I was very saddended about that, but another missionary couple happened to have 6 extra huge bags of chololate chips and wanted to give us a bag (Costco size for those of you who know what that is), so here is Emily and I making our chocolate chip cookies... mmmmmmhhhhhhhmmmmmm!!!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Life in Richard's Bay has begun

Most likely on Fridays I will be going to Amangwe village to volunteer in a daycare type place for children th
at come from child headed homes. They go around to these homes and pick up the children so that their older siblings can go to school. This is also something that I am really excited about so I will let you know how it goes. The Amangwe village is about 20 min. away,
and I will be driving. Yes I drive the car on the left side of the rode, on the right side of the car, it's kind of fun!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
First Couple Days in South Africa

I have just arrived here in Richard's Bay, South Africa. After traveling half way accross the world Kyle and Heather picked me up at 9:00 pm on Monday night at the Airport. So far I am trying to get over this jet lag, and I am getting aquainted a little bit with the country. For this first week I am settling in here in my new home, and next week we are off to a conference that includes all the ABWE missionaries in South Africa. When we get back I will begin homeschooling Abby.
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