The Fam eating Easter Lunch |
Kids Table |
Grandpa & Grandma w/ all the grand kids |
Great Grandad, Mummum, Mark and Lori, & the great grand kids |
Ava... working on brushing her 6 teeth |
Graham and Myja hang'n out today |
Easter Sunday Ava was sick so we were not privileged enough to go to church... :( We let her rest, and went to the Shropshire household for lunch, and celebrated Christ's resurrection together. I am glad to report that Ava is all better now. :)
In case you were wondering Ava does have 6 teeth, and so I bought her a tooth brush so that she could start getting used to brushing her teeth.
Graham and Myja came over to hang out with Ava and I today, we washed the car, then the man came over to replace our cracked front windshield on my car, we went on a walk, went to get McD's ice cream, they didn't have any, so we walked back home, and got ice cream later after it rained... it was better ice cream anyway! Ava has been standing up by herself a lot today which has been fun, because she has been crawling great, and kind of lagging on the whole standing up thing, but I guess she decided that today was the day. I think that's it for now!
P.S. pray for me, I am having a girl's night out at my house Friday for our youth girls, and I'm praying about what to talk about with them in the midst of all our fun. :)