TJ and I had a little Christmas party at the Shropshire house where we had delicious BBQ, family fun, and gift opening. I got to meet more family of the
Shropshires (Aut Mindy and Uncle Stan, and cousins).
TJ and I left on Christmas Eve to go to California to spend time with family, and it has been great. They day
TJ and I arrived my parents and us went to
Sanfransisco touring the city, and eating at
Gheridelli square. On the 27
th we had Christmas with the entire family which was really special seeing as I didn't get to be here for Christmas last year, but I also missed the
Farran's knowing that I was with them not to long ago... :)
Before TJ and I came to California, we made carmels, and brought them with us so everyone has been enjoying them.
We just celebrated New Years with a couple of friends and family. As I look back on this year, it has been a year of bran new things both TJ and I, we look forward to this year and what new things we will encounter.
Happy New Year!