So... For those of you who don't know TJ and I have some exciting news. #1: If you don't remember, TJ and I feel called to be missionaries to unreached people groups. We have been planning on being missionaries with New Tribes Mission since before we were married, and have had our eyes on that path this whole time. We have been here... in Florida at our church, building relationships, ministering in different ways, saving money and just being here enjoying people and our family, and at the same time waiting for God's leading to go to the New Tribes Missionary Training Center (MTC). We have felt leading from God to go to the MTC in Missouri Fall of 2012... next year! While attending this intense training we are not allowed to work. We have saved a large some of money, but still need more in order to sustain us for 2 years. If you would please pray that God would keep us focused on His kingdom, and that God would burden the right people to commit to praying for us, and financially supporting us. In order to save enough money for what we
need, IF we save 500 dollars every month for the next 35 months, then we will have what we need. Our church family has decided to support TJ and I when we go to school, which will be a huge blessing when that time comes. If you would like to help our church in that effort you can give to them online, all you do is put "mission" in the description line next to the amount.
(Just click on the donate button). Please do not feel obligated in anyway to support us unless God has burdened you.
I couple blogs ago, I was telling you how we were going to have families in our home from our church to get to know them better, and let them know what is going on in our life as far as what we are doing, where we are going, and what our different needs are if God leads us to share those details. We really have just begun, and have only had 5 families over, but it's a start, and God has been faithful in directing us in our words and actions in what to share with people. It has just been great getting to know some of our church family better. It has been somewhat of a challenge being pregnant and not always feeling up to making meals, but I really felt like God was calling me to do this, and he is blessing us just by the relationships that we are able to build with people, and hopefully will continue to develop.
Our meal with Linda and Mitch |
We grilled salmon on a plank, best salmon I've ever had (sorry mom) |
You can sort of see our friends behind Ava, Diane and Gary |
13 weeks pregnant |
Huge "helps" for my nausea |
Being pregnant hasn't been the worst thing since I started taking Unisom and B6 every night before going to bed, it is safe for pregnancy, and somehow the ingredients work together to help with nausea and vomiting, since taking it, I have felt a world of difference, and has prevented many days of horror =). Ava has been waking up about 6 am every day which does not help with my tiredness, but TJ makes Ava and I an egg every morning, and takes care of Ava until he goes to work, He is so sweet! I usually take a nap during the morning when Ava takes her nap, and sometimes in the afternoon too, but I have not needed that nap as much lately as I did in the beginning. I am still able to make meals which is good, but I'm not going to lie, we eat take out quite often... so in turn we have been buying less groceries.
I am now 14 weeks pregnant |
Anyway enough about me, Ava has officially started walking, and it has been so different and fun for us to watch her walk around. Her cousin Levi doesn't have to crawl in honor of her anymore, they walk around together, fighting over toys, or enjoying each other's company. I recently started weening her for the whole day, so she only nurses in the morning and at night which is nice for me, we plan to ween her all the way by the time we go to California for my brother's wedding in the middle of October, so that TJ and I can go on our 2 night Anniversary getaway without Ava... :)
Things with our church have been going well. We are still working with our youth group, and are in transition and trying to figure out what exactly to do next. A couple of our youth are moving this week, and it is always hard to see people leave that we have gotten close to (We will miss you Esther and Gabe!!!) TJ has still been preaching, and tonight is his last night of preaching for a while, because the Saturday night services are ending. I am still doing words (easy worship) for worship every other week, and nursery once a month. Our church is going to be moving out of the building we have been in for the past 8 months, so I'm sure that will be a bit challenging for our church, but not necessarily bad, God has all kinds of ways of growing his people. We are so thankful for our church family, and honored to be apart of God's kingdom. Thanks for reading, I know it was a lot today. :)
Also Today is my mom's Birthday... Happy Birthday MOM I love you!