Okay so if you haven't noticed I have posted 3 blogs in one day, I just didn't want to put them together, but I wanted you to know about the different things in my life.
TJ and I like to go on adventures, so we drove by this old house, that has been beaten up and abandoned, so we walked through it, exploring every corner, wondering why people would destroy such a beautiful house... anyway, after that we went to an abandoned orange grove, and picked our fair share of oranges... which was a blast climbing trees, and eating delicious sweet oranges. All that to say TJ and I have lots of fun... :). We are growing in our marriage, and learning to honor God in our relationship with each other.
I am also really enjoying the Bible study I am involved with many other women, we are doing the bible study "Breaking Free" by Beth Moore, and it is really fantastic, and applicable, and it's really neat just to hear other people's testimonies, and experience with how God has worked in thier life.
That's life for now