waiting for the last shuttle to launch |
Saturday morning bike ride |
Ava's obsession with the milk her and TJ just bought |
Settlers of Catan |
Beach! |
Ava loving the sand and water as always |
Something new: Ava holding on and walking |
Climbing on Grandpa |
Tired baby fell asleep on Grandpa... so sweet |
My parents arrived last weekend, stayed for a couple nights, and were off to relax on their 4 day cruise to the Bahamas. They got back Friday morning, before the last Shuttle launch, so we all went down by the river watched it go up. We could only see the beginning of it because the clouds were in the way, but it was the first time my parents got to see something like that. Saturday morning we all went for a bike ride on Indian River Road, got some pastries and rode some more... very pleasant, I would say it was my highlight of the week. Ava rode with me on the way to breakfast, and slept on TJ's back during the ride back... I'm so glad she could be flexible :). Saturday night TJ preached which is something he has been doing every other month for the whole month... His preaching has been getting better, since he has been getting some more experience. We played Settlers of Catan and I won 3 nights in a row... :) I have some competitors that will be coming back at me with a vengeance. Sunday we went to church, and had a wonderful afternoon at THE Shropshire house with the whole family. TJ had to work Monday, but the rest of us went to the beach... Ava wore herself out, and fell asleep on my dad on the way out. My parents had the 34th Anniversary while they were here, I have a lot of respect for them, and can see how God has worked in their lives over the years.
Some new things have been going on with Ava even just while my parents were here. She has been jabbering up a storm, I mean any sound she can make she makes it, it is so fun to listen to her learn more. She also copies us, which is kind of a scary thought, but she has been giving non stop kisses (wet ones of course), and responding when we talk to her or ask her a question. She understands when she's doing something wrong, She knows to come when I call her, to give me something when I ask for it, and that she will get in trouble if she doesn't obey. TJ and I are realizing how important it is for us to be consistent at this time in her life, she relies on it.
Ava has a little tea set that some good friends gave her for her birthday and she has learned how to use the tea kettle, it makes pouring sounds when you pour it, and different sounds when you open and close the lid. She knows to pour the tea in the cup and then drink it. It's so fun to watch her!
If you could pray for us as we are the leaders of our church youth group, there are being some changes made, and it is important to remember why we are doing this, and that our focus needs to be on glorifying God and seeking Him... nothing else.