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Sisters :) |
Love my family! |
my girls! |
We haven't taken enough pictures of Penny and so... I did a little photo shoot with her and if I might say so myself, she's a doll! But that's her mother's opinion, what else am I going to say?!
Sunday was Easter, and so our little family decided to match, so... Family pictures were a must! Plus we had to send one to the MTC (Missionary Training Center) so they would have one on file.
Also, an update on Ava: Her behavior has improved sooo much, not only back to normal, but she seems to be behaving BETTER than she was before (other than the biting : - / ... still needs a little work there) I am so grateful, TJ and I are really enjoying her again, as she has been such a happy girl! Thanks for praying.
On another note I was informed this morning that a teacher at NTBI Jackson, and an incredible person (James Hatton) died last night after battling cancer this year. I feel sad for the loss, for his family who in my opinion is one of those gem families that you don't come across too often. He was such an enjoyable man, so so soooo encouraging in the Lord, lived his life as an example of Christ, as a husband, father, and grandfather. He will be missed! Knowing someone like this also brings such the reality that he is actually in the presence of GOD!!! Wow... life all of the sudden seems so short. Like my brother Del says "life is short, you have to live
every day for God" he's right, life isn't worth living if your not living for God. Things in my life all of the sudden seem so unimportant and selfish... I'm so selfish. Things just come into perspective when you realize how short life is and how important it is to live every second for God. It's so easy to always focus on the future, even through the circumstances with our church, TJ and I are still planning on going to the MTC this fall based on the fact that God hasn't said no yet, but at the same time it all seems so unknown, and quite frankly, it worries me! These things are in God's hands and I think he really only wants me to think about today and how to serve Him right now... easier said than done! James Hatton, you were an amazing man because of who Christ was in you, thank you for the legacy you left, and for being the example you were to every person you came into contact with.