TJ and I went on a date with out Ava for the first time a few weeks ago, we got a baby sitter, and went out to a nice dinner, and a movie... it was GREAT! Granted we did kind of miss Ava, but it was so nice to just spend that time with each other, and go to a MOVIE... which I have not done in Forever! Also... Ava did great without us which was a big bonus.
Mummum and Grandad at the wedding (TJ's grandparents) |
Jamie about to get married |
Cousins Ava and Levi hanging out |
At a park with friend in North Carolina |
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Kristi and David housed us for a couple days |
So much has happened since the last time I blogged. Well for starters... I'm 12 weeks pregnant, and due March 1st, so that's pretty exciting news, Ava is going to have a brother or sister... we will see. It has been a little bit harder for me to get the motivation up to blog, just because I don't have a lot of energy, and Ava sucks most of what I have out of me, but I will try to be better.
Last week, we traveled to Pennsylvania to attend our friend Jamie Seiverling's now Farran wedding. I am happy to say they are now married, and off, I am truly happy for them, Jamie is a great girl, and I know Mark will make a quality husband. We got to spend a lot of time with our friend's Josh and Casey, who just had a precious new baby little girl, who I got to spend my time snuggling her, its crazy how small those babies start out.
On the way back from PA, we stayed with our friend's David and Kristi Mize in North Carolina, who let us stay and hang out with them for a couple nights. We had some good conversations, a fun time at a park where we made our own dinner, Kristi cut my hair for me (Thanks Krist :) God has all kind of ways to encourage us, and I'm thankful for all God's children. David and Kristi were very hospitable and fun, ooooh the people we wish we could live closer to... the list is too long.