TJ planned an adventure for our 1st anniversary. We left Friday afternoon, traveled South, and ate at PF Changs, then drove to Key Largo, stayed the night, got up early ate at "Bob's Bunz" and then we rented a boat took it out on the very rough waters, and snorkled for a while with our masks that had gas on them and were burning our faces, then we got back on the boat and were feeling very sick from the rough waters, and eventually made it back to land.
We ate lunch, and found some delicous key lime pie on a stick, then we drove to Key west, checked into our wonderful cottage, took a nap, and got dressed up to go see the sunset on a big sail boat, but the starter wasn't working, so we did't actually get to sail... :(, but TJ still gave me a present... a wedding band to go with my engagement ring, so that was awesome.
The next day we rented a scooter, and drove all around Key West, ate a delicous Panini, saw lots of interesting things, and head home in the afternoon... My TJ did a wonderful job planning the weekend, and what a wonderful husband he is.
God has been so good to us, and TJ and I are learning more every day how to love one another. On our anniverary we decided I needed to work on not being so selfish, and that he needed to work on no being so prideful, we decided those both add up to make a pretty crappy day, so we ask God to help us be who he has designed us to be.