This week was kind of crazy. The day Valerie left we started house/baby sitting for a family for a whole week, taking them to school, picking them up, so on and so forth, until this last Saturday, which made for a really busy couple of weeks. Sunday was Youth Sunday for us, so the youth did worship, TJ lead it, I played the djembe, some of the girls sang, and others played instruments, and it went really well. TJ preached, and He did a good job, it was his first time preaching in church, so I was proud of him. :) Go TJ!
As far as my pregnancy goes, my little girl is getting bigger, so I am waddling more (trying really hard not to... :) And as each day goes by it is getting slightly more uncomfortable, and my hands and feet are swelling, but over all, there is really not much I can complain about.