After church we went to the beach... for the first time since I gave birth, and Ava needed to experience it. I brought her to the water so she could touch it, because well... it was her first time... and she needed to.. :) So she was sort of sleeping until the moment her little toes touched the water, she let out a nice little screech, you can only imagine.
Ava seems to have been growing a lot lately, she has grown out of all her newborn clothes, and even some of her 0-3 month clothing. She has just started smiling more recently, yesterday she smiled 5 times in 5 minutes... it was the most rewarding little face I have ever seen, it completely changes the way she looks when she smiles. She has also been more interactive, and more vocal, instead of just crying or being quiet, she is starting to blabber, and make very high pitched noises.
This morning as I was doing my devotions and staring at my daughter, I was overwhelmed with thankfulness to my heavenly father for her... what a gift she is to us.