The weeks really are flying by, and as far as my pregnancy there is not much more I can tell you, it did make my first set of curtains, and I washed and creatively hung some old embroidered kitchen towels my aunt Suzie gave me.
TJ has had more work in the last couple of weeks which is nice, we need that.
I attended 2 baby showers on Saturday, it seems to be baby season around here... :)
We had a fun night Sunday night with our youth group, we've been working hard getting ready for the Youth Sunday that is now postponed because TJ got really sick (he was supposed to preach). Sometimes it is a little bit discouraging because not a lot of kids come to Youth Group, or sometimes people just don't show up that we thought would come. But we also know God has there who he wants there, and will teach them what they should know, this is God's work, and that is something we have to remind ourselves of.
Also this week my brother Del and his wife Arielle had their little baby boy, Ezra Simeon Griffith 8lbs 12oz. She had a rough go of it, but I think she is healing slowly day by day, but we are excited and happy about the healthy little boy.