So not last weekend, but the weekend before TJ and I took our youth group on a weekend camping trip, it turned out to be really fun, and I'm so glad we found the time to do it. It was pretty uneventful as far as injuries and things go, there were a couple foot cuts and things from our canoe/kayak ride down the river, but not too bad. I had fun making food for everyone, and the girls helped out a lot. We tried to get another lady chaperone to come, but no luck there so it was just me. Dave Cicerelli was our other man chaperone, and we were so grateful to have him there to help and hang out with. :) Peter Shropshire is just beyond high school age, so he volunteered to help as well... thanks Peter! Ava's naps were kind of messed up, and she cried quite a bit the second night... and for about the next week and a half she has been Mrs. Rebellious... TJ and I are sure that something else was going on, some sort of transition for her, because she would not stop testing the limits, she has calmed down a lot in the past few days, but WOWZERZ we have had our work cut our for us.
Ava doing ok |
Ava (with lack of sleep) angry at mommy for trying to touch her |
All the kids who went |
Everyone |
Our house this Christmas |
Making eclairs for our family get-together |
The spread (and Mommom) |
It is a long time tradition for the Shropshire family to attend the Titusville Christmas parade which is kind of a pathetic event, but it's so much more than that... it's the fact that every year we all sit in front of the Subway on US 1, the kids with their bags in hand to collect the cheap candy they throw out, and of course there is always someone yelling at Graham to get BEHIND the line!!! This is the second year that we have had a get together at our house after wards, and as I pointed out to TJ it will be our last year of doing this for a while, because we will be away at school in Missouri. It is always fun for me to have company in my home and the honor to cook and bake for them... I would say it's fulfilling :). Other than the fact that Lori got her thumb smashed in the van door, it was a great time!
Had lots of Shropshire family at our house after the Titusville parade |
28 weeks pregnant |
I am 28, almost 29 weeks pregnant, and still feeling really good! This is probably my favorite time... the baby is getting bigger, and I can just watch it move. As time goes on I am starting to wonder more what this baby is like, and this time we don't even know if it's a boy or girl, so there are a few mysteries here. I am so looking forward to meeting this little one!
Last night for the first time I made
stuffed shells... mmmm, they were so good! But you know, it's really just another form of Lasagna, at least it seems that way, I used ricotta cheese as well as cottage cheese (that's in case you use this recipe). My husband and baby seemed to enjoy them, we now have tons of leftovers so I hope we enjoy them for many days... ;)
Ava seems like she is growing so much lately, and I'm referring more to her mind here, she is throwing out all sorts of words, not afraid to try and say different things, and along with that she is just blabbering so much right now, it's mostly nonsense, but the cutest nonsense I've ever heard! It has been a bit of a struggle with the Christmas tree, as there are pretty shiny balls on it. Every morning when she gets up and sees the tree she says "ball!" She has been touching it less and less seeing as she gets in trouble every time, but I would rather her learn and us have a tree, because I love Christmas trees!