Our lives have been busy, but we are still alive. A few weeks ago, we witnessed a wonderful event. I have a new sister in law. TJ's brother Kyle and our good friend Cherie got married a couple weekends ago, we have been looking forward to this event for a while now. It started at 7:00 at night and there were about 400 people there. It was under a pavilion, next to the Indian river, and it was beautiful.
There was a live jaz band, and you could sense the glory of God being shown through the day, it was amazing.
On another note I have just finished my EKG and Phlebotomy class, so I only have 6 weeks left of my last class... yay!!!
TJ has been very busy with work, which has been difficult for us at times because that means he is away a lot, so if you could please pray mainly that we would be relying on God for our needs.