Ava is now 3 months old, and is growing by the day. Last week, she actually belly laughed for the first time which was so fun, and amazing. I didn't even do anything to make her laugh, she did it all on her own, it was hilarious, I couldn't stop laughing myself. We also went in the pool for the first time, she liked it until TJ splashed her... oh well.
On another note we have been doing special services in our church for the month of September, giving the opportunity for people to hear the gospel or ask more questions at the "gospel station" (which is where TJ and I have been assigned) or to to receive prayer at the "prayer station" and to do communion at the communion tables. Pastor Barron has also been sharing the gospel every Sunday in church making sure people understand exactly what repentance means.
There are so many people just sitting in church these days who are not true believers, they are just going through the motions, hoping for someone to tickle their ears (they probably wouldn't put it that way), and the truth is that we all sin against God every day, and the difference between Christians and non Christians is that a 'true' Christian has recognized their sin and that they need God, and have repented of their sin(but still struggles with sin every day), where as a non Christian has not yet recognized that they have sinned against God, they don't yet realize that they need God. All of us are sinners, only some of us choose to truly believe in Jesus Christ, but without Him we would all be condemned to Hell!
Anyway, on Sunday a lady came to the gospel station (where TJ and I were) and she was at the bottom of her rope, she realized she needed God and would do anything to have a relationship with Him, it was so exciting to see her honest heart before God, and to accept him as her Savior from sin, she has received new life in Him. Thank you Jesus for a new creation in you!