Oh the things I'm experiencing.
I never really expected being pregnant to be so hard. I wake up every morning in a mad dash to get some food because if I don't, my empty stomach may start purging... not fun.
After I eat some sort of something, usually a bowl of cereal... about half and hour later I have to eat something else or I will hurl my breakfast, and so on and so forth till early afternoon, then I have the urge to eat a really big meal so that it last me a really long time... maybe. But what will I eat??? I don't know because as for now there is for that moment, there is really nothing I feel in the mood for, or it just sounds gross, and if I eat something I'm not in the mood for... It comes right back out... just what you want to be reading right?
Like my sister-in-law, Cherie says "it's like someone hi-jacked my body, and won't be giving it back for a while"
But yesterday I almost started crying when I realized there really was a live little child in right now... what a blessing.
At this moment it can be sort of hard to look past this becauseI don't already have children of my own to see the outcome of all this, but I trust and have faith that it will be good.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
Baby's Heartbeat
Yesterday I went to the Midwifery for my second check up, and from last month to this month, I only gained a half a pound, she said I need to focus on eating (healthy), I told her, I eat all day long!
Also for the first time yesterday, I got to hear my little baby's heart beat. What an amazing thing, it was incredible, and reminded me that there really is a baby in there, there is a reason for me feeling so crappy all the time. I didn't think to thank God at that moment, but when I came home later, and TJ heard the recording of the heartbeat, he said "wow, thank you God!" And I thought, ya, why didn't I think to thank my God yet today about that, and I have thanked him several times since. It truly is amazing.
(In a few days I'll be 11 weeks)
Also for the first time yesterday, I got to hear my little baby's heart beat. What an amazing thing, it was incredible, and reminded me that there really is a baby in there, there is a reason for me feeling so crappy all the time. I didn't think to thank God at that moment, but when I came home later, and TJ heard the recording of the heartbeat, he said "wow, thank you God!" And I thought, ya, why didn't I think to thank my God yet today about that, and I have thanked him several times since. It truly is amazing.
(In a few days I'll be 11 weeks)
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Much to be thankful for
Today is Thanksgiving, and TJ and I are spending it with lots of family in Huntsville Texas, and we are having lots of fun.
Today we announced some exciting news that I am now telling you. Three and a half weeks ago TJ and I found out that we were 5 weeks pregnant, so if you do the math that makes us about 8 1/2 weeks pregnant. We are excited and thankful for the little gift of life inside me.
We thank God the giver of life.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
This last weekend TJ and I traveled to Michigan for David and now Kristi Mize's wedding. We arrived in Michigan Friday evening, TJ went to David's bachelor party, and I hung out with a couple friends. The next morning we went to "B Z Beez" For breakfast with a couple friends, and played a couple games of Frisbee golf with a bunch of guys. Saturday night I helped put on a bachelorette party for Kristi, which turned out well, we had a hillarious time.
The next day TJ and I got to go to my church (Michigan Bible Center) and I got to say hi to lots of Friends at that church, it is a another home church for me, and I miss the people there desperatly, for all the people reading this that go there, it was so nice to see you.
Sunday afternoon at 4:00 was the wedding, it was beautiful, and TJ and I got to dance out little hearts out. My favorite moment of that evening was when TJ and I were dancing to a swing song, and it all of the sudden, stopped, and started into a techno song, so TJ and I continued to dance to it with swing steps, but much faster, and with much more attitude. We were the only ones ones on the dance floor, and when I realized everyone was watching us, I started messing up, but it was fun to dance with the love of my life.
Monday we went to a class and visited with friends, and staff. It was a nice to old friends, and church family.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Anniversary #1

TJ planned an adventure for our 1st anniversary. We left Friday afternoon, traveled South, and ate at PF Changs, then drove to Key Largo, stayed the night, got up early ate at "Bob's Bunz" and then we rented a boat took it out on the very rough waters, and snorkled for a while with our masks that had gas on them and were burning our faces, then we got back on the boat and were feeling very sick from the rough waters, and eventually made it back to land.
We ate lunch, and found some delicous key lime pie on a stick, then we drove to Key west, checked into our wonderful cottage, took a nap, and got dressed up to go see the sunset on a big sail boat, but the starter wasn't working, so we did't actually get to sail... :(, but TJ still gave me a present... a wedding band to go with my engagement ring, so that was awesome.
The next day we rented a scooter, and drove all around Key West, ate a delicous Panini, saw lots of interesting things, and head home in the afternoon... My TJ did a wonderful job planning the weekend, and what a wonderful husband he is.
God has been so good to us, and TJ and I are learning more every day how to love one another. On our anniverary we decided I needed to work on not being so selfish, and that he needed to work on no being so prideful, we decided those both add up to make a pretty crappy day, so we ask God to help us be who he has designed us to be.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
On 6 weeks
We have been having Youth Group at our house now for 6 weeks. TJ's Teachings are going really well whether he feels like it or not. But no matter how he is teaching we are praying that God is using it in their lives. You can pray for TJ especially as he sometimes finds it challenging to teach them when there is so many comments and talking going on, because there is so much energy in the room with Youth... :)
He's learning.
Chocolate Fudge cake
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Recently I read a Psalm that caught my eye, and grabbed my heart. Psalm 51:12 “Restore me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.” Sometimes, I forget the intensity of what Christ did for me on the cross, and I lose sight of what’s important… what He’s made me for. God saved me from my sin, and he gives me the ability to have joy in him, and sometimes it doesn’t come naturally, because it’s such a different concept that someone would give their life for me. So God… please give me that overwhelming joy that your salvation brings, and let me be willing to do whatever it is that you ask, and let me hear your voice!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Youth Group
TJ is doing a really good job, even though he feels completely exhausted by the time he is done teaching the fidgety, full of comments, hormonal teenagers.
The night goes like this:
they come, start to get kind of comfortable with each other, and talking a little more, then we sing a couple songs, and TJ talks, then we split the talking up with a game, and come back and finish the lesson, and then they leave at the latest by 9... :]
I usually make them a little snack, which they usually polish off before the night is over, and that's about how it goes. Thanx for praying, continue to pray for their hearts and minds to be open to what God has to teach them.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Habby Birthday Mom!
It' my mom's Birthday today, she's 52!
I am thinking back on the life of my mom, of what I can remember ... what a remarkable woman of God she is! I remember being in church, and Pastor using my mom as an example of someone who would be thought of as a "Mary" someone who studied Jesus, and loved to hear him talk, where as Martha was a busy body.
Anyway, she has been a wonderful mother to me, even now we talk often, and she still has such good advice, I hope that I can be as a good a mother as she is to me. I love her so very much, and I hope she has a fabulous birthday.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Youth Group
TJ, and I feel that God is leading us to lead the Youth Group at our church right now (on our back porch). Last Sunday night we had our first meeting together, there was about 9 young adults, and we are anticipating more coming.
We will be going through a chronological teaching of the Bible from beginning to end, studying the main events of scripture seeing how they all fit together, to point to Christ. We are excited about this opportunity, and that God has allowed us to come to this place in our lives to do this.
I share this with you, to share information about our lives, and also so that you can pray with us.
TJ and I feel called to be at the church we are attending right now (Calvary Chapel Space Coast). Our church is going through some hard times, and we are trusting God, and calling on Him for our next step. Even though we are weighed down by the spiritual warfare going on in our church, we feel called to lead this Youth Group, but we really need prayer for strength to deal with the things God has for us.
On Sunday some guys came over from our church to pray with us for this youth group, and the overwhelming truth came over me that our God never changes, even if our circumstances change, our God will always stay the same. Praise the LORD!!!
Beach and Surfing
On Saturday, TJ and I went to the beach with some friends, and he headed out straight for the water... with his surf board, and brother Peter... :)
They caught some good waves, and I got some good pictures, so I thought I would share them with you.
It is a novelty to live just 20 minutes from the beach, those of you who live closer might not say so, but yes, I feel privileged that for this time of my life God has given me this gift.
If you look closely on one of the pictures TJ and Peter are surfing together on the same wave.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Visiting the Cherry's
Last week TJ worked all week in West Florida, so I decided to take a trip to Destin Florida to visit my sister and brother in law, Leah and Shannon, and my niece Ella. I spent 4 nights there, and I really enjoyed getting to know Leah better. TJ has told me so much and speaks so highly of his older sister, I have been wanting to hang out with her, and my year and a half old niece... Ella. We sat around, talked, watched Ella entertain us, talked, went to the beach, Ella got scared of the water, went to tropical smoothie, talked, went to the fabric store, went to the grocery store, drove arouond while Ella slept, ate food, made Eclairs, ate Eclairs, then decided maybe we shouldn't make them for a little while, seeing as they are a little fattening. Leah is a neat person, and I am glad I got the chance to get to know her better, and that Ella got to know her Aunt Lily a little better too! :)
Bobby's Visit
A few weeks ago, my oldest brother Bobby had a few extra days off and decided to take a trip out to visit TJ and I. He is the first family member from the Griffith side that has come to visit us. We went on an air boat ride, held an alligator, visited St. Augustine, and spent quality time together. Thanx Bobby for visiting us!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Youth Group
TJ and I have become the new Youth Group leaders at our church, and are starting youth group on Sunday nights, and to kick it off we did a video to tell our church about it, so check it out, it is a bit humorous.
News Cast Video
News Cast Video
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Free Meal!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Weekend at the beach... with "The Fam"
This weekend my whole family spent our time together at a beautiful beach house in Cambria California. We spent the day at the beach, girls watched, boys surfed. It was really nice to spend that time with my family seeing as we only see each other now about twice a year. This was a nice break for TJ and I to be out here in California, but we both head off back to Florida here in a couple days, so please be praying for safety. When we get back, I am going to be looking for a job with the qualifications that I have and I am praying that God is preparing me
a place right now.
Friday, June 12, 2009

So now I will be looking for a job, I will let you know when I find one.
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