Most likely on Fridays I will be going to Amangwe village to volunteer in a daycare type place for children th
at come from child headed homes. They go around to these homes and pick up the children so that their older siblings can go to school. This is also something that I am really excited about so I will let you know how it goes. The Amangwe village is about 20 min. away,
and I will be driving. Yes I drive the car on the left side of the rode, on the right side of the car, it's kind of fun!
What a fun picture...seeing you behind the steering wheel of that car. Grateful to see that you are doing o.k. and adjusting well. Looking forward to seeing how things develop over the next several months. We love you a bunch
Rob, MB and the girls
Dearest Lily,
I am so proud of you.
Your letters are so exciting and
Things are going so well . And you are adjusting to so many new experiences. Do drive carefully. Be assured you are in my prayers. I love you dearly. Love your pictures . Go girl! Much love, Mormor
It was great to hear from you and know things are going well. We have been praying for you.
Jesse and Deb
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