After visiting Michigan and Ohio I flew down to Florida where TJ was waiting at my gate holding a sign high above his head that said "WIFE TO BE" and held a dozen white roses, After I walked across the long hall I reached him, he gave me a kiss and a big hug while everyone around us started applauding the young "in love" rejoined couple.
I have enjoyed staying with the Shropshires while getting to know them all a little bit better, that including Gram, Mia, Elin, Harmony, Ruth, Peter, Kelly, Kyle, Lori, Mark, and soon I will get to meet Shannon, and Leah TJ's older sister, and brother in law, and their baby girl Ella.
When I got to their house they showered me with little gifts, and had a nice big sign that said "Welcome Lilly" and I felt very welcomed into their home.
The first day I went running Peter went with me, and it was a very sweaty run due to the humidity, so I had to document this lovely picture. I got to go to work with TJ and watch him climb the tower that he worked on, it was very interesting, and I felt like I got a little insite into TJ's work life (He works on Radio Towers for a living), I even got to wear a work shirt... :)
I experience4d only a minor tropical storm while I was here, but it gave us good waves, so I got to go take pictures of TJ and Peter surfing... something else he loves to do. The last picture is of TJ working on our car, and TJ has spent many years working in this shop.
1 comment:
I just wanted to make a few notes. They spelled your name wrong in the sign. And you spelled their names wrong as well...It's Graham and Myja. Some sort of ironic balance, 'eh?
TJ seems to lack shirts. Maybe I should give him some shirts.
It's hard to believe that kitchen floor gets swept several times a day and washed weekly and still looks like that. I've been washing my kitchen floor every few days so that I can set Ella down on it. I'm such a first time mom.
Can't wait to see you tomorrow! --Leah
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