I feel truly blessed with the family that I have married into, they have become my family, and what blessings come with that!
On Saturday TJ and I spent the day cleaning our house, and making 4 batches of my delicious eclairs in preparation for the whole family coming to our house.
On Saturday night we all went to the famous Titusville Christmas Parade, where we watched the fire trucks, and school bands, corny floats, and of course the Hill billy truck with the Huge women's underwear hanging from the clothes line.
Afterwards we all arrived at our house. We ate all kinds of dessert, and enjoyed each other's company. The cousins were all outside Nerf sward fighting, and whatever else they came up with. Someone always comes away hurt. This time it was TJ who got the wooden end of the stick (the handle) right to his hand, our brother in law Shannon, beat TJ down! We thought he broke it, but thankfully didn't.
The next day, Sunday The Shropshire family came over once again (just TJ's immediate family this time), to have dinner and and open presents because we are leaving for California in a couple of days. We had pizza for dinner, played charades, and ate more eclairs of course (4 batches is a lot). And finally opened presents, it was a really fun night, and I'm so glad to be a part of the Shropshire family, God has truly blessed me.
Actually, anything good that I have is a blessing and gift from God, and don't you ever forget that! :)
I hope your Christmas season is a good one!
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