At Breakfast with the group |
Christy, Valerie, Ryan and Ava at breakfast |
showing off our magnetic ball jewelry |
TJ (being silly) and Ryan |
I'm pretty sure this depicts our relationship |
TJ playing with his daughter |
Valerie, I'm going to miss you! |
Love'n Santa Barbara beach! |
Ava touching the Pacific ocean for the first time |
Who's sink hasn't Ava taken a bath in? |
We had to say goodbye eventually. : ( |
TJ, Ava and I got the chance to go down to Camerillo California to meet up with my best friend Valerie, her friend Ryan, and my friend Christy, who's house we stayed at (Thank you Christy and family!). We drove down, while Valerie and Ryan drove across from Arizona, and we met in the middle. We only stayed two nights, but what a blessing that time was! We all took a trip to Santa Barbara, where TJ and I honeymooned. Christy was our tour guide as we toured around Ventura area, just hanging out together, it was really good just to spend time with them.
Valerie du Mee will be heading to Indonesia here in the next month to be a career missionary, and I won't get to see her for a long time, so we took this opportunity now to see each other for the last time (and she got to meet Ava!). We got to meet her friend Ryan who is a really amazing guy who loves the Lord, and has a goal in mind to do what God wants him to do.
Christy and her family were such a blessing to us, not only did they let us stay in their home, but they blessed us with amazing gifts on the way out, I don't think any of us will ever forget their wonderful hospitality.
Valerie is one of those people I will always cherish in my life, she challenges me in my walk with God, is there for me when things are hard, never stops communicating with me, she is a kindred spirit, and I don't think anything will ever get in the way of our friendship. Thank you Valerie for always being such a loyal friend!
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