Kelly, the man of honor, and her girls |
cousin Mariah |
Me and my baby |
Our little family |
Lori and Mark walking Kelly down the Isle |
TJ was our instrumentalist |
pretty bridesmaids |
Love this girl! |
Ava was the flower girl... she loved the rose pedals |
Ella and Ava entertaining themselves during the ceremony |
witnessing the marriage of their children |
Congratulations Chris and Kelly |
Beautiful! (Kelly wore her mom's dress) |
My sister in law Cherie... I love her to death! |
dancing... woop woop! |
Ava enjoyed dancing as well... crazy girl! |
Somebody loves her daddy |
So... as you can see, yesterday was a pretty big day for the Shropshire family, TJ's younger sister Kelly became to wife of Christopher Byron. If we back up a little bit I can tell you that Thursday night TJ's Aunt Nancy, Uncle Tim, and cousin Joanna came from Texas to stay with us for the wedding, it has been so much fun having them here... they leave today :(. Friday Aunt Nancy and I spent all day doing the flowers, she did all the bouquet's and I did all the boutonnieres and corsages... lots of work, but definitely fun!
Saturday, I prepared Ceasar Salad for the reception, helped get the flowers ready to go, got myself ready while TJ kindly gave Ava a bath and dressed her, and we were off to the beach to have a wedding. Ava and her cousin Levi were the flower girl and ring bearer, they were so cute! Kelly looked beautiful in her mother's dress, and the whether couldn't have been better on that beach!
The reception was at a different location of course, we had yummy food, and lots of fun dancing, Ava never fails to dance whenever she hears some good music :). I hope and pray that God can be honored and glorified in this union of marriage, only by his grace do we have the ability to honor him, and it is only through Christ that we can truly love one another... so Congratulations Chris and Kelly Byron, may you love each other with the love that God has already bestowed upon you!
29 weeks |
This baby is getting bigger... it's starting to wear me out a lot more these days, but it has also been a very busy week, so I'm sure the combination has made things seem harder than they are. My favorite part about getting bigger is watching and feeling this active little baby move all around... very fun for me! :)
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